Literature (Literarura)

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During the meeting the told us that for many years he had to work as a bartender before his lastest book brought him worldwide recognition. He also told the audience that when he was young he had written a collection of which will be published next year. Then he said that his last book was not the first attempt to write a longer piece of writing but his previous had not been succesful. When he was asked what was the secret of his recent success he told us that the book he wrote lately is a kind of about a young man who gets in trouble with very rich and powerful people. Finally, he read an taken from the first of the book. When the meeting was over I asked him to sign a volume of his that I had owned for a long time. He was very surprised that I liked his poetry. When I asked why, he stated that his primary goal was to become a well-known writer rather than a and writing poetry was more of a hobby than serious profession.
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